What Does Rtp Mean

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  1. Return to Provider (RTP) When a claim is submitted, it processes through a series of edits in the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS), to ensure the information submitted is complete and correct. If the claim has incomplete, incorrect or missing information, it will be sent to your return to provider (RTP) file.
  2. Initially developed in the early 1990s, reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP) is a generic term referring to a pipe constructed of plastic polymers and reinforced with Aramid, polyester, or glass. Plastic pipe: some thoughts to consider.
  1. What Does Rtp Mean In Banking
  2. What Is Rtp
Remove The Pussy
'Don't listen to the pussy side of you when you make a decision. People gravitate towards being a pussy. Remove the pussy, son.'

For RTP we have found 319 definitions. What does RTP mean? We know 319 definitions for RTP abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible RTP meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully. What does RTP mean? Playing craps for a living. The virtual casino instant play. Big heart bingo. The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is a packet based communication protocol used in communication systems that involve streaming media, such as telephony, video teleconference applications, to occur in real time.

Marcus: Coming over this weekend for the party?
Alexander: I don't feel like it..
Marcus: RTP!
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A term coined by Donald Trump on his show 'The Apprentice' even though bosses used it all the time before. Now anyone who watched five minutes of it thinks it's THE ABSOLUTE SHIT and uses it to say 'YOU SUCK!' or 'LOSER!' or something of the sort.
by jewpoints September 23, 2004
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What Does Rtp Mean In Banking

What does rtp mean in banking
Yo, I hear there's half offPG's tonight at the bar! You RTP?
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Time to get some RTP for dinner!
Get a RTP mug for your father-in-law Abdul.
1 R.T.P: Roughtight pussy.
2 could also be used as synonym for cunt.. sort of
1 Dude i took one look at that RTP and i ran!
2 I smacked that RTP like the hoe she is!
Rtp protocol
Yo, I hear there's half offPG's tonight at the bar! You RTP?
Get a RTP mug for your cousin Helena.
Time to get some RTP for dinner!
Get a RTP mug for your father-in-law Abdul.
1 R.T.P: Roughtight pussy.
2 could also be used as synonym for cunt.. sort of
1 Dude i took one look at that RTP and i ran!
2 I smacked that RTP like the hoe she is!
Get the RTP neck gaiter and mug.
'Ready to pimp'. If you have created a document in a program like Open Office, you export it to .doc and than its ready to pimp. Pimping a .doc file is done in MS Word 2007. One click on the styles button and off you go

What Is Rtp

Title > RTP
Get a RTP mug for your cousin Julia.
Road trip planning. Code word between you and your love about an upcoming secretiveroad trip.
My swan, ive got an RTP planned for us. Are you down?
Let me know when and where beautiful..game on the way.
Get the RTP neck gaiter and mug.

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